About Us
I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
― Albert Schweitzer
Our Beginning – Advocacy
Our Founders quickly recognized the advantage to their advocacy work of joining other similar recovery community organizations forming around the state in 2006 to form a statewide RCO called FAVOR SC. Advocacy initiatives included repeal of the “Alcohol Exclusion Law” and parity in insurance coverage for mental health and addiction which was signed into law in 2008.
Where We’ve Been – Advocacy and Education
As new brain imaging science began to reveal the impact of addiction and the impact of recovery on the brain, the importance of educating the public on the brain’s resiliency and on its remarkable capacity to heal in recovery became apparent. Education rose to a more important role in the organization’s initiatives. That, in fact there was evidence that recovery from substance use disorders was a reality in the lives of millions of Americans.
Where We’re Going – Advocacy, Education and Peer-Based Recovery Support Services
It became clear that most of the work of FAVOR SC was actually chapter initiatives or chapter resources acting on behalf of FAVOR SC. Training products of FAVOR SC’s Recovery Training Academy were in fact developed by chapter members who volunteered their time to research, collaborate, develop and revise the training material used by RTA.
New found funding opportunities make it possible for FAVOR Chapters to lead a statewide initiative to identify and fill gaps in recovery-oriented systems of care with FAVOR SC RTA-trained volunteers. (Refer to Recovery Community Services Program – Statewide Network (RCSP-SN) Grant
With the RCSP-SN grant we are able to double the number of people introduced to evidence-based practices that are person-centered, strength-based and outcome-informed. The grant will benefit each affiliated recovery community organization (RCO) by providing a modest stipend to promote volunteer retention of trained volunteer recovery coaches who participate in the telephone recovery support program designed to address gaps in service.

When an alert is sounded by an advocacy partner organization, that some local, state or national matter affecting the people we serve is under consideration by our legislative representatives, we are called upon to join our voices to ensure that we remain a constituency of consequence.
Recovery Training Academy – In partnership with Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Peer-Based Recovery Support Services
Favor Tri-County provides a myriad of recovery services to the community we serve. In addition to the services mentioned on this page Favor volunteers provide gateway recovery services to the underserved whose need is greatest.